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Wild Earth Preschool

Wild Earth Preschool


Licensed child care center


Children ages 3-5


Right here at the Dallas Zoo!

Wild Earth Preschool is the only full-day nature-based preschool in Southern Dallas!

Children engage in nature play, visits to the Zoo, mindfulness exercises, and an emergent curriculum that supports whole-child development and school readiness.

Our philosophy

Wild Earth Preschool believes that connecting young children to animals and nature improves the outlook both for the child and for the future of the natural world. Young children who are immersed in a sensory-rich, nature-rich, authentic, and dynamic environment benefit in the areas of cognition, physical skills, social skills, and emotional intelligence. When children grow up connected to nature, they are likely to continue to inquire, explore, and protect it. Wild Earth Preschool is guided by the tenets of high quality early childhood education and environmental education, and is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach.

open house dates

March 29Register Now

April 6Register Now

April 13Register Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you open year-round?

Yes! The preschool operates 12 months of the year, with short breaks for holidays and teacher development.

What are the enrollment options?

Our full-week (5-day) program operates from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Partial week options are not available at this time.

What is the staff-to-child ratio and the group size?

Multi-age classroom families include children who are three, four, and five years old. The ratio averages one staff member to seven children, and each classroom is capped at 12 children.

How much does tuition cost?

Download our tuition chart

Does the preschool provide meals or do the children bring their own food?

We offer morning and afternoon snacks. Children bring their lunches and refillable water bottles.

How will I know my child is learning?

The teaching staff make learning visible to families by closely observing children’s play and interactions. Our digital communication app keeps parents updated with weekly photos, developmental checklists, observation notes, and newsletters.

How do I register?

Contact Our Team for information about current openings or to receive email updates about Wild Earth Preschool.

More Questions?

Download our family handbook

Take our self-assessment