Donate to the Zoo
Donate to the Zoo and help provide vital resources needed to support daily operating needs and impactful conservation programs.
Donate to the Zoo and help provide vital resources needed to support daily operating needs and impactful conservation programs.
As the current Board Chair for AZA, it is important for me to have a space where we can all come together to collaborate. My intention is to provide this space to keep you updated on priorities and allow you to share feedback throughout my year as Board Chair. I am incredibly honored to be in this position and look forward to working alongside all of you.
This serves as our North Star – our guiding force and the source of our continual motivation to achieve our vision of Creating a Better World for Animals. By providing our guests with real-world opportunities to make memorable connections with wildlife and supplementing their experience with conservation messaging, the Dallas Zoo aims to inspire and empower visitors to take action on behalf of wildlife in Texas and around the world.
Toss the Tusk Date Event Closed Time 9 a.m.-3 p.m Good to Know Admission is not necessary to participate. We invite guests to visit the Zoo for this “Toss the Tusk” event to surrender illegal products and learn more about this effort. Guest who wish to participate may bring their items to the Zoo’s main […]
Head to the Wild Encounters Stage to get up close with a variety of animals, like fascinating reptiles, free-flighted birds, porcupines, and much more.
Welcome to the summer issue of your Dallas Zoo member magazine, where you’ll find stories of celebrations of life – both new and remembered.
A HEARBREAKING ELEPHANT UPDATE We are heartbroken to share that our 7-year-old African elephant, Ajabu, passed away on Monday evening after a 12-day battle with the devastating viral infection known as elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). This was his second fight with this insidious disease – he previously faced an active case of EEHV in March […]