Planned Giving
By making a gift to the Dallas Zoo in your will, trust, or estate plan, you are supporting our efforts to Create a Better World for Animals, while taking care of your loved ones and protecting their wellbeing.
Create Your Legacy
Take proactive steps toward planning your future. If you don’t have a will or an up-to-date version, you can easily create one for free in minutes using this trusted online resource from our partners at FreeWill. Protect your loved ones, pets, and belongings you cherish, with the option to include a charitable bequest to the Dallas Zoo.
Report Your Gift
If you have already included the Dallas Zoo in your estate plans, thank you! Please let us know. Our partners at FreeWill make it easy to notify the Zoo of your plans, providing us the opportunity to properly recognize your generosity. (Note: Notifying the Zoo of your plans and reporting your gift does not obligate you now or in the future.)
Designate Beneficiaries
Did you know you may have non-probate assets (like an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any additional accounts) not covered in your will or trust? Using this free online tool, you can log all of your assets and receive printable instructions on how to set each one up with your broker. You also have the option to name the Dallas Zoo as a beneficiary to support our mission.
Please consult your tax adviser or qualified attorney for advice on achieving specific goals for your estate.
For further information, please contact the Development Department:
Dallas Zoo
650 S. R. L. Thornton Freeway
Dallas, Texas 75023
Email: Development@DallasZoo.com
The Dallas Zoological Society is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.